Squadron Energy’s Clarke Creek Wind Farm Stage One project played host to some very important visitors last week.

Written by Squadron Energy |

With crane  

Students from Clarke Creek Primary School enjoyed a site visit on Friday 31 May, donning hard hats and hi-vis to inspect the construction progress up close.

With students from Years 1 and 2 currently exploring important places in their community, the excursion aimed to enhance students’ understanding of renewable energy projects in their region, with our Clarke Creek project a perfect backdrop for the hands-on learning experience!

The students enjoyed morning tea and a safety briefing before getting fitted for their hi-vis vests, hard hats and safety glasses and taking a site tour. The students were delighted to see the cranes onsite ready to lift the turbine components into place.

Then it was back to the site office for lunch and a Q&A with our fantastic team onsite where students eagerly asked questions about the technology and how they will help look after the environment.

Construction is well underway at Clarke Creek Wind Farrm, with 21 wind turbines fully erected and more underway.

Each turbine stands 207 metres tall and has a capacity of 4.5MW, built with 13 components including three 76.2m blades.

The 450MW wind farm will produce enough electricity to power around 330,000 Queensland homes and avoid 738,000 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.

In front of WTG  
Having morning tea  

Clarke Creek Wind Farm is committed to building and maintaining relationships with the local community.

The project team aims to keep an open dialogue with the local residents, stakeholders and the wider community.

If you would like to get in touch with the Clarke Creek Wind Farm team, please reach out by email: clarkecreek@squadronenergy.com or phone 0483 915 303.


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