Squadron Energy's 2024 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) reflects our organisation’s collective resolve to embed reconciliation principles across all that we do.

Our RAP outlines steps to strengthen ties with First Nations communities, amplifying voices, fostering shared growth and ensuring our initiatives are impactful and relevant.

Squadron Energy and our employees are committed to unlocking Australia’s energy future and powering communities.

We are committed to becoming a leading renewable energy organisation in the space of reconciliation.

Read more about our 2024 Reconciliation Action Plan.

About the artist

Keira-Leigh Newman

Introducing Keira-Leigh Newman, a talented young artist from Wellington, New South Wales.

At just 16 years old, Keira-Leigh has already shown a deep passion for her Aboriginal heritage through her art.

She is a proud Wiradjuri girl and is excited to share her artistic journey with the launch of Magarra Designs, a platform where she interwines traditional Wiradjuri stories and symbols into captivating and vibrant designs on various mediums like bags, clothing, canvases, and more.

Her strong connection to her cultural roots serves as the source of her inspiration as she aims to shine a light on the beauty and significance of Wiradjuri art forms.

Embracing the rich diversity of Indigenous art, Keira-Leigh creations vividly depict the stories and traditions that are integral to her cultural identity.

Keira Leigh Newman  

Our RAP Artwork

The artwork for Squadron Energy's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) visually captures the essence of diversity, Aboriginal culture, sustainability and shared values.

It symbolises our commitment to reconciliation and the creation of a sustainable future in harmony with the environment and community.

RAP artwork