Crudine Ridge Wind Farm, NSW

Crudine Ridge Wind Farm is located on Wiradjuri Country, 45km south of Mudgee. The wind project became fully operational in 2022, producing enough electricity to power more than 75,000 homes and prevent 266,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually. The wind farm is supplying clean energy to corporate partners such as Nestle Australia and Sydney Airport.

Key Project Info

Wind turbines

37 X GE 3.8MW

Commercial operations

Early 2022

Maximum capacity


Annual output


PPA partners

Meridian, Sydney Airport, Nestle Australia


Project Timeline

Step 1/13

Project identification and site selection

Identification and site selection is based on an analysis of opportunities and constraints including (but not limited to): distance to the electricity grid, wind resource and population density of the surrounding community. Our team then undertake a number of site visits and consultation with landowners in the area.

Current Stage

Step 2/13

Project feasibility and community engagement

Site-specific investigations are undertaken to assess the impacts and opportunities of the project and feedback is sought from the local community.

Current Stage
160m Mast

Step 3/13

Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement

A Development Application is made and an EIS prepared which involves a wide range of studies to address stakeholder feedback received to date and to consider the potential environmental and social impacts of the project.

Current Stage
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Step 4/13

Public exhibition and Submissions Report

The EIS is placed on public exhibition through the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. Interested members of the public are invited to have their say during the exhibition period by way of formal submissions. A Submissions Report is then prepared, which aims to respond to the submissions received.

Current Stage
IMG 80711

Step 5/13

Assessment and development consent

The project documents are assessed by the relevant government authorities. If determined, Development Consent is granted alongside a range of conditions specific to the project.

Current Stage
SQE Office 12 C

Step 6/13

Post approval, contracting and financing

A lead contractor(s) to build the project is appointed and all pre-construction approvals and consents are finalised. During this phase, the lead contractor(s) is provided with a list of local businesses that have registered their interest and capabilities through the project website.

Current Stage
SQE Office 3 C

Step 7/13


During this phase our lead contractor(s) seek tenders and engage contractors and suppliers to undertake the scope of the works. Orders are then placed for major components such as the wind turbines.

Current Stage

Step 8/13

Early works and design

Initial site activities commence, such as minor clearing and provision of access roads along with establishing a site construction compound. Off-site detailed design works commences in parallel.

Current Stage
4 170607 WTG wide

Step 9/13

Major civil works

During this phase of the construction the bulk of the civil works takes place. This includes the construction of new internal access roads, excavation and construction of the turbine foundations, installation of the internal electrical reticulation system, construction of the high voltage substation and main transmission line network.

Current Stage
01 Final foundation pour 2

Step 10/13

Wind turbine erection

This is where the visual aspect of the wind farm starts to emerge, with large cranes lifting the tower sections, nacelle, hub and blades into place.

Current Stage
CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201125 0131

Step 11/13


In order to export power to the grid, each turbine is required to undergo several performance tests. It is during this stage that you will start to see turbines spinning and ultimately the whole of the wind farm complete.

Current Stage
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Step 12/13


The project is operating in accordance with relevant approval conditions and management plans. Compliance with conditions of approval and management plans is monitored as required throughout the life of the project.

Current Stage
CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201111 7104

Step 13/13


The design life of the wind turbines will be at least 30 years. At the end of their useful life, the wind turbines and electrical equipment will be either replaced and the wind farm repowered, or the project will be decommissioned, and the site returned to its original use at the expense of the project.

Current Stage
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Squadron Energy in the community

Ilford Public School visit

Ilford Public School’s visit had been looked forward to by the students and teachers all of Term 4. As a close neighbour to the Crudine Ridge Wind Farm, many of the students and teachers had seen the construction of the wind farm over the course of eight months.

Crudine Ridge Wind Farm’s Community Engagement Officer, Marie Hensley, and Operation’s Facility Manager, Brad Jachmann, presented to the junior and senior primary school classes. The children were keen to learn all about the wind farm and even the little ones were very engaged and asked lots of questions.

After the presentation, both groups got to go out into the playground and pace out the length of the wind turbine blade used at Crudine Ridge wind farm and were able to see a small working model of a wind turbine in action. A wonderfully informative and engaging day was had by students and teachers.

The best question of the day from one of the younger students was: “How much does it cost to buy a wind turbine as I want to put one in our back yard?”

CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201124 3007

Hill End School Visit

On 2 December 2020, Crudine Ridge Wind Farm enjoyed a visit from the Hill End Public School. The school consists of only seven students and two teachers, but nothing could have prepared us for their amazing knowledge and interesting questions.

Brad Jachmann provided them with a demonstration of the wind farm on a model wind turbine and the children loved looking at all the safety gear. The children, teachers and bus driver donned their high-vis vests and safety helmets before being taken on a tour of the northern section of the wind farm. Everyone was in awe of the length of the blade parked onsite and were able to get underneath and touch an unused blade. The bus stopped right below a working wind turbine and everyone commented on how quiet they were.

The tour ended with a lively lunch time at the main headquarters with still many more questions. A day that the children will not forget anytime soon.

Hill End School Group 4

Dr Karl Visit

Crudine Ridge Wind Farm was all abuzz with a special visit from Dr Karl Kruszelnicki AM. Dr Karl is now widely recognised from his popular science podcasts with a following of 300,000 listeners. Although the visit was a private visit he was accompanied by friends and his partner.

Karl enjoyed a presentation showcasing the construction methods of the wind turbines as well as the technical information on how they generate electricity. Dr Karl also had the experience of ascending a wind turbine and walked through the nacelle to reach the top. There, he had the best view of the whole area, seeing through to the Blue Mountains and the Capertee Valley.

Dr Karl was so impressed by his visit to the wind farm he has on several occasions discussed his learnings and experience from his visit on his popular science podcast.

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Hargraves School Visit

Hargraves Public School, situated between Hill End and Mudgee, is located in the Crudine Ridge Wind Farm's local area. The school consists of 16 primary school students who were able to visit the wind farm on 10 March 2021.

The visitors enjoyed a presentation by Brad Jachmann, Operations Manager, and Marie Hensley, Community Engagement Officer. Asking many excellent questions, all students were fully engaged and interested in the information provided. Boarding the bus, they were then escorted on a tour of the northern section of the wind farm where they were able to inspect a wind turbine and see the blades spinning.

Brad provided a lot more information in the field regarding how the turbines worked and fielded many more questions as the tour progressed. The students got to walk the distance of a blade and hear and see the turbines up close. Comments on how quiet the spinning wind turbines came from both teachers and students alike.

Hargraves School Visit 4 2

Our community approach

Community Benefit Fund

A Community Benefit Fund has been established in the form of a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) with the Mid-western Regional and Bathurst Regional Council.

Crudine Ridge Wind Farm will contribute $4.8m over the life of the project. The funds will be split between the two councils according to the number of the turbines installed within each local government area.

The funds will be allocated by each council to enhance community projects and initiatives in accordance with their community plan.

VPA documents are provided below.

CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201125 3252  

Community Sponsorship

The Crudine Ridge community sponsorship program provides funds or in-kind support to community organisations and events in the Mid-Western Shire and Bathurst Regional Council areas.

The program supports initiatives that strengthen our local community, through programs that make a positive and lasting contribution

Priority areas for the program include:

  • Education and training initiatives
  • Community development programs
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Environmental initiatives
CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201124 2858  

Community Consultative Committee

The purpose of a community consultative committee (CCC) is to provide a forum for open discussion.

It is a space for us to speak with representatives from the community, the council and other stakeholders about specific matters relating to each project.

The CCC follows the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Community Consultative Committee Guidelines for State Significant Projects. Meeting minutes are provided below.

If you would like to get in touch with your local CCC member, please contact the Independent Chairperson:

David Johnson


CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201125 3796  

Publicly Available Documents

State Environmental Assessment Documentation

CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201125 3674  

About Squadron Energy

Squadron Energy is Australia’s leading renewable energy company that develops, operates and owns renewable energy assets in Australia. We are 100% Australian owned and have 1.1 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy in operation and 900MW under construction. We are committed to launching 14GW of projects by 2030, powering the equivalent of six million homes.


Site Manager

Kacee Milnes


Mailing Address

GPO Box 1858, Canberra ACT 2601

Complaints and Issues Contact Point:

Tel: 1300 524 463

Social Media

Crudine Ridge Wind Farm on Facebook


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