Moreton Hill Wind Farm, Victoria

The proposed Moreton Hill Wind Farm is located on Wadawurrung Country, about 35km southwest of Ballarat, Victoria. The wind farm will have up to 62 turbines, producing enough electricity to power around 260,000 homes and prevent almost 350,000 tonnes of emissions annually. The wind farm will connect into the electricity network via a new underground 220kV powerline to the Berrybank terminal station about nine kilometres south of the wind farm.

Key Project Info


EES Referral and EPBC Referral submitted

Local Government Areas

Golden Plains Shire Council and Corangamite Shire Council


Project Timeline

Step 1/13

Project identification and site selection

Identification and site selection is based on an analysis of opportunities and constraints, including (but not limited to): distance to the electricity grid, wind resource, potential impacts on ecology and population density of the surrounding community. Our team then undertake a number of site visits and consultation with key stakeholders and local community.

Current Stage

Step 2/13

Project feasibility and community engagement

Site-specific investigations are undertaken to assess the impacts and opportunities of the project and feedback is sought from the local community.

Current Stage
160m Mast

Step 3/13

Planning Permit and EES

Prior to applying for a planning permit, a referral is made to the Victorian Minister for Planning to determine if an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) is required. If required, the EES preparation is done in parallel with the planning application. If not required, a planning application is submitted, addressing environmental and social impacts, which is also assessed by the Minister for Planning.

Current Stage
Pexels pixabay 357514

Step 4/13

Public exhibition

When the Minister is satisfied that the planning application is suitable it is released for public comment. During this time the public can make written submissions.

Current Stage
IMG 80711

Step 5/13

Assessment and development consent

The Minister for Planning may appoint a panel to evaluate the project. Hearings take place and project documents are assessed by relevant government authorities. The panel reports to the Minister for Planning with recommendations. If the project is approved, a planning permit is granted with project-specific conditions.

Current Stage
SQE Office 12 C

Step 6/13

Post approval, contracting and financing

A lead contractor(s) is appointed to build the project and all pre-construction approvals and consents are finalised. During this phase the lead contractor(s) is provided with a list of local businesses that have registered their interest and capabilities through the project website.

Current Stage
SQE Office 3 C

Step 7/13


During this phase our lead contractor(s) seek tenders and engage contractors and suppliers to undertake the scope of the works. Orders are then placed for major components such as the wind turbines.

Current Stage

Step 8/13

Early works and design

Initial site activities commence, such as minor clearing and provision of access roads along with establishing a site construction compound. Off-site detailed design works commences in parallel.

Current Stage
4 170607 WTG wide

Step 9/13

Major civil works

During this phase of the construction the bulk of the civil works takes place. This includes the construction of new internal access roads, excavation and construction of the turbine foundations, installation of the internal electrical reticulation system, construction of the high voltage substation and main transmission line network.

Current Stage
01 Final foundation pour 2

Step 10/13

Wind turbine erection

This is where the visual aspect of the wind farm starts to emerge, with large cranes lifting the tower sections, nacelle, hub and blades into place.

Current Stage
CWP Crudine Ridge Wind Farm JOW 201125 0131

Step 11/13


In order to export power to the grid, each turbine is required to undergo several performance tests. It is during this stage that you will start to see turbines spinning and ultimately the whole of the wind farm complete.

Current Stage
SWF 03 Sapphire Wind Farm landscape 230724 12

Step 12/13


The project is operating in accordance with relevant approval conditions and management plans. Compliance with conditions of approval and management plans is monitored as required throughout the life of the project.

Current Stage
CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201111 7104

Step 13/13


The design life of the wind turbines will be at least 30 years. At the end of their useful life, the wind turbines and electrical equipment will be either replaced and the wind farm repowered, or the project will be decommissioned, and the site returned to its original use at the expense of the project.

Current Stage
20231113 i Phone Bango Wind Farm 72

Publicly Available Documents


The wellbeing of the community is a core component of our work. Our approach to engaging with the local community is both genuine and lasting. We own our projects from development right through to operations. This gives us unrivalled experience through the entire project life and provides us with a deep-founded respect for people, communities and the environment.

Our team work respectfully with the communities in which we work, are sensitive to environmental and cultural values and aims to make a positive contribution to the regions in which we operate.

We welcome your contact and feedback should you have any questions or concerns about the proposed Moreton Hill Wind Farm.

CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201112 7628  

Community benefit sharing and sponsorships

We share the benefits of our projects by supporting communities over the long term. We do this through a range of opportunities such as community benefits funds, voluntary planning agreements, community sponsorship and grant initiatives.

We recognise that each community is different, and we aim to tailor benefits at each project and make positive lasting contribution to each region.

Each of our projects has a community sponsorship program, which provides funds or in-kind support to community organisations and events in the local project area.

Key areas for the program include:

  • Education and training initiatives
  • Community development programs
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Environmental initiatives

Applications are open for community sponsorship. Please contact the relevant Project Manager for the project in your local area for more information. Download and complete the Community Sponsorship Application and forward with any relevant documentation to

Community Sponsorship Guidelines & Application Form

Alternatively, you can complete and submit the form online via the link below.

CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201112 7572 2  
CRWF 02 IMG Blade installation 201125 JOW 1 4028x2264  

Local jobs

Our mission is to maximise investment in the regional economy through the engagement of local businesses. Our investment in the local community is long lasting and has a significant flow on effect within the larger region.

We hire local contractors to support our projects throughout the project lifecycle, with temporary and ongoing jobs created during the construction and operational periods.

We are committed to engaging with local businesses and contractors in the local region to present them with opportunities to benefit from the project.

Local contractors and service providers are encouraged to register their interest in supplying goods and services.

CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201111 7108  

About Squadron Energy

Squadron Energy is Australia’s leading renewable energy company that develops, operates and owns renewable energy assets in Australia. We are 100% Australian owned and have 1.1 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy in operation and 900MW under construction. We are committed to launching 14GW of projects by 2030, powering the equivalent of six million homes.


Project Manager

Laura Jeffrey


Tel: 0483 902 842


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