Australia is working hard to achieve net-zero emissions. And during the transition there are huge opportunities for many of our regional towns.

Written by Squadron Energy |

Squadron Energy is leading Australia’s rapid transition away from fossil fuels toward renewable energy, to reach net zero emission targets.

The transition is complex, and requires not only generating renewable energy, but also how to store it, then transmit it to homes and businesses across the country.

This change in our power source provides a once in a generation opportunity for regional economies, creating jobs and community benefits.

As we move away from fossil fuel generation to renewable generation, Squadron Energy will support and assist workers to harness their skills and experience for new jobs in a rapidly growing sector.

As Australia’s leading renewable energy company that develops, operates and owns renewable energy assets throughout the country, Squadron Energy understands that continual innovation will be essential, and will benefit communities nationwide.

This is an opportunity to facilitate regional rejuvenation and economic development at scale.

As we work to address how we’ll manage supply chains, resourcing and the speed of our required execution, we have the chance to create a lasting legacy in regional communities nationwide.

For example, in New South Wales, designated Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) are bringing together transmission, generation and firming projects to support increased renewable generation. They are creating regional hubs enabling skills expansion, career progression and local supply chain development.

These are all critical elements to supporting vibrant regional hubs which empower communities to grow and thrive. Where there is established ongoing skilled employment, schools flourish, businesses prosper, and major infrastructure support follows.

In recognition of the need to upskill workers, we’ve sponsored local workers in the Central West to complete a Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety at Wellington TAFE.

Safety is a core value for us, and we know the whole community benefits when everyone has enhanced safety skills and knowledge.

In recognition of the importance of delivering these local economic benefits, we’ve created a Regional Economic Development team at Squadron Energy. This team will spearhead efforts to create lasting new economic opportunities in the regions where we develop and operate, and provide benefits tailored to each community where our projects are located.

In addition, we are targeting people with valuable transferable skills to consider a transition across to renewables. Many of our own people have successfully moved across from industries such as mining, to apply their project management, environment or safety skills to our renewable projects.

This focus on learning will ensure we develop the next generation of workers in renewable energy. Encouraging First Nations participation and the employment of underrepresented groups will ensure we include the entire community on the renewable journey.

We really do have a once in a generation opportunity to facilitate regional rejuvenation and economic development, while also providing around one third of the energy required for Australia to reach 82 per cent renewables by 2030.


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