Written by Squadron Energy |

Squadron Energy was proud to once again support Dunedoo Central School’s delivery of their successful Art for Youth program, now in its 10th year.

The event was held on Friday 21 June, prior to the opening night of the Art Unlimited, one of regional Australia’s leading art competitions.

This year’s focus was on sustainability and recycling, to teach students how to transform repurposed recycled materials into art projects.

“Young people from Dunedoo are extremely appreciative of the opportunity to work with various art and craft mediums. We believe days like Art for Youth provide invaluable experiences for the students," said school Principal Donna Lane.

“Once again, a huge thank you to Squadron Energy for supporting our Art for Youth Day at Dunedoo Central School, we certainly could not have had such a successful day without your assistance!”

Project Manager and Acting Head of Development Trish McDonald said support for the Art for Youth Program was just one example of Squadron giving back to the community.

“We are committed to sharing the benefits of our projects through a range of opportunities including the Spicers Creek Wind Farm Community Sponsorship Program,” Ms. McDonald said.

Each of Squadron’s projects has a community sponsorship program, which provides funds or in-kind support to community organisations and events in the local project area. Information on how to apply can be found on our Community Sponsorship Guidelines & Application web page.



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