Written by Squadron Energy |

Clarke Creek Wind Farm oversize overmass (OSOM) trial runs have been completed and equipment deliveries from Gladstone Port to the project site are continuing as planned.

The first electrical components have been delivered, including a 270-tonne main step-up transformer for the central substation.

There will now be ongoing transportation of turbine components to the project site, as well as ancillary electrical component movement.

The OSOM transportation will take place overnight from Sunday to Friday with police escorts in place, leaving Gladstone at 11pm and arriving at site at 7am.

The planned movement times are as follows:


For up-to-date information about transport movements, residents and visitors can do the following:

  • sign up for SMS messages by providing your mobile number to clarkecreek@squadronenergy.com
  • access TMR’s latest traffic conditions by phoning 13 19 40 or visiting www.qldtraffic.qld.gov.au
  • look out for the multiple electronic signage boards in use along the route for drivers.

The following routes are used under current plans:

  • Gladstone Port Access Road
  • Gladstone–Mt Larcom Road (including Hanson Road)
  • Dawson Highway (Gladstone–Calliope)
  • Bruce Highway (Calliope–Rockhampton–Marlborough)
  • Marlborough–Sarina Road
  • various local government roads in the Gladstone area.

Should you have any queries about the project please get in touch by email clarkecreek@squadronenergy.com or phone 0483 915 303.


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