Sapphire Solar Farm NSW

Sapphire Solar Farm is an approved 180MW(AC) solar farm located alongside Sapphire Wind Farm in the New England region of northern NSW. The solar project would have the capacity to power the equivalent of 66,000 homes.

Key Project Info

Expected capacity



NSW development consent received

Local Government Area

Inverell Shire Council


Project Timeline

Step 1/12

Project identification and site selection

Identification and site selection is based on an analysis of opportunities and constraints including (but not limited to): distance to the electricity grid, solar resource and land characteristics. Our team then carries out site visits and consultation with landowners in the area.

Current Stage
Projeect Feasibility2

Step 2/12

Project feasibility and community engagement

Site-specific investigations assess the impacts and opportunities of the project and feedback is sought from the local community.

Current Stage
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Step 3/12

Development approval

Development application documentation is prepared which involves a wide range of studies to address stakeholder feedback received to date and to consider the potential environmental and social impacts of the project. Depending on the jurisdiction, this may include a public exhibition and submissions process.

Current Stage
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Step 4/12

Assessment and development consent

The project documents are assessed by the relevant government authorities. If determined, development approval is granted alongside a range of conditions specific to the project.

Current Stage
SQE Office 12 C

Step 5/12

Post approval, contracting and financing

A lead contractor(s) to build the project is appointed and all pre-construction approvals and consents are finalised. During this phase, the lead contractor(s) is provided with a list of local businesses that have registered their interest and capabilities through the project website.

Current Stage
SQE Office 3 C

Step 6/12


During this phase our lead contractor(s) seek tenders and engage contractors and suppliers to undertake the scope of the works. Orders are then placed for major components such as the solar panels, mounting system and inverters.

Current Stage
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Step 7/12

Early works and design

Initial site activities start, such as minor clearing and provision of access roads along with establishing a site construction compound. Off-site detailed design works starts in parallel.

Current Stage
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Step 8/12

Major civil works

During this phase of the construction the bulk of the civil works takes place. This includes the construction of new internal access roads, excavation and earthworks (if necessary), installation of the internal electrical reticulation system, construction of the high voltage substation and main transmission line network.

Current Stage
Step 9

Step 9/12

Solar equipment installation

This is where the visual aspect of the solar farm starts to appear, with pile driving machines installing the piers and mounting bars onto which the solar panels are then fixed.

Current Stage
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Step 10/12


In order to export power to the grid, each string of panels and inverters is required to undergo several performance tests.

Current Stage
IMG 8115

Step 11/12


The project operates in accordance with relevant approval conditions and management plans. Compliance with conditions of approval and management plans is monitored as required throughout the life of the project.

Current Stage
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Step 12/12


The design life of the solar panels is at least 30 years. At the end of their useful life, the solar and electrical equipment will be either replaced and the solar farm repowered, or the project will be decommissioned, and the site returned to its original use at the expense of the project.

Current Stage
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CWP Sapphire Wind Farm JOW 201111 7108  

About Squadron Energy

Squadron Energy is Australia’s leading renewable energy company that develops, operates and owns renewable energy assets in Australia. We are 100% Australian owned and have 1.1 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy in operation and 900MW under construction. We are committed to launching 14GW of projects by 2030, powering the equivalent of six million homes.


Project Manager

Alastair Smith


Mailing Address

GPO Box 1858, Canberra ACT 2601

Social Media

Sapphire Wind Farm on Facebook


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